About the Project
For over nearly two decades, A&S has been providing professional engineering services to water districts in an effort to deliver more cost-effective operation and maintenance. Mindful of budget restrictions A&S staff assists the Board of Directors to address infrastructure issues, and provide economical and sensible solutions to everyday problems. Over the years, A&S has consistently helped mature water districts achieve their goals in all critical areas: budget, operations, maintenance and quality.
The range of services includes evaluation and rehabilitation of existing water and wastewater facilities, as well as design and construction phase services for new facilities.
- Water distribution systems
- Water Plants: new and expansions
- Domestic water supply (evaluation, permitting and expansion)
- Surface water conversion / groundwater reduction plans
- Water conservation and contingency plans
- Water accountability analysis
- Rehabilitation of existing water wells
- Recoating of water tankage
- Coordination with water wholesale providers such as City of Houston, NHCRWA, WHCRWA, and San Jacinto River Authority, etc.
- TCEQ Bond applications and reports
- Preparation of operation and maintenance manuals
- Water and sewer rate analysis
- Resolution of enforcement actions by regulatory agencies
- Applications for use of surplus funds
- Cost analysis and value engineering
- TWDB loan applications
- CDBG applications and project control
- Annexations and out-of-district service
- Utility feasibility studies
- GIS Services
- Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems and Lift Stations
- Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Systems
- Feasibility Studies and Master Plans
- Wastewater Treatment Facilities (planning, design, permitting, and expansion)
- Rehabilitation Plans for Operating Facilities
- Construction Management
- Construction Observation
- Program Management
- Contract Bid Services
- Pre-Qualification of Contractors
- Flood Impact Analysis
- Sheet Flow Evaluation
- Flood Plain Review
- Storm Water pump stations
- Detention ponds and permitting